Monday, March 7, 2011

Outdoor Studio

After a recent red paint spill on my white carpet, and in light of the warming weather, I have decided to take my studio outdoors. Aside from enjoying this gorgeous early spring, I have developed a steady fan club of two, Diego my maltese, and Tico, his brother.

Currently I am preparing for my first solo show which will be taking place towards the end of april at Wild Iris Books in Gainesville, FL.

Exact date and details soon to come. In the meantime, I am painting away and will not be posting as many of my pieces until after the show. Want to save a few suprises.


  1. Hi! Your work is beautiful! I, too, am a Gainesville, Florida resident. I visit Wild Iris Books once in a while, and maybe I can make it to your first solo show at Wild Iris. If, however, I don't get to the reception, will your work be on exhibit for a few days after the show?

    Best of luck, from "one Sylvia to another!"


  2. I do not know any other Sylvies or Sylvias in Gainesville. Great to meet you!

    Would love to meet you in person at the show but if you cannot make it on April 28th, the show will be up for at least a month! Thank you for your good wishes!
